Monday, June 30, 2008

Could she BE any cuter?

A list of cute things Helena has been doing recently. She'll be nine months old on the 4th of July! Craziness...where does the time go?!?

1. She finally has just enough hair to work up some decent bedhead. It's pretty cute.

2. She sits completely still when I cut her fingernails (helpful!) because she is so enthralled with what I'm doing to her.

3. She has an innate ability to sniff out and then immediately beeline for the one thing in the room that I don't want her to touch/chew on. Think cat toys, Ashford's shoes, trash cans, the remote control, you name it.

4. She's started nodding her head 'yes' in a very exaggerated way. And while I'm fairly certain she just does it because she recently figured out how to move her neck that way, she tends to do it at the cutest times. Like when we are actually agreeing or saying yes to someone or, more commonly, when I'm changing her diaper. It's like she's saying, "Yes, it's about time you changed that nasty thing!"

5. We've established a good reading routine before bedtime. If she's starting to get tired and we haven't started the aforementioned routine, she'll go ahead and crawl over to her books and start reading them herself. And when we are reading to her, we have to hide her favorite book, Tails!, until the end or she won't want to read anything else.

6. She laughs SO HARD when we play this game I like to call 'Trying to Give Dill a Nervous Breakdown'. Basically I hold her like she's flying through the air as Superman, we get down on Dill's level where ever he is (floor, couch, stairs, cabinet, etc.), and she 'flies' through the air chasing him around the house. Helena screams and giggles all at the same time. Dill wants to move back to Kansas, I think.

-Emily :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely adorable. Just wait until the walking starts - she'll be everywhere you don't want her to be.

Henry's favorite activity is turning the cable box on and off - and always when I am trying to watch something. We were at a friends house for the Stanley Cup finals and wouldn't you know - right about the time the Penguins shot the puck - the cable went blank. Thank goodness he didn't know that trick during March Madness!

Did your mom get you the book I sent home? Naptime is the New Happy Hour. I sent it home with mom in May, but she very well may not have given it to your mom yet.

Hope all is well in Mormonville.