Sunday, June 22, 2008

Shoes dropping everywhere...

I've been attempting to be funny and upbeat on my blog to date...unfortunately there was an extreme lack of both of those things this week. At the risk of sounding grumbly and whiny, basically the week started off with us finding mold in our master bathroom and then we found out our sitter is closing for good--next week! So, unexpected home improvements and frantic phone calls ruled the week on top of some stressful work situations for both Ash & I. Ugh! I'm fairly certain that every ounce of stress I've been dealing with since Ash started coming out to Utah to work in December, culminated all at once on Thursday with two hysterical phone calls to my mom and my sister. Well, at least I got it out of my system.

The upside: the new tile in our shower is going to look really awesome...and hopefully I'll find a new sitter who annoys me a bit less than the last one, and is maybe a tidge closer to our house.

Here's hoping for a less stressful week than last! Bring it on, Monday!

--Emily :)


kjl said...

Good luck with the sitter hunting, Em!

Tracee said...

as jim would say, "hang in there thach" sending you good thoughts...

Anonymous said...

It will only get better. I totally understand the stress of moving and then all the added surprise stress. I can't imagine what a Debbie Downer blog I would have had if I had a blog when I moved.