Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Batter Blaster in my Belly

We sampled the previously mentioned Batter Blaster last night for dinner. And for all you haters, it was absolutely delightful. My only complaint is that it produced slightly thinner pancakes than I usually make myself, but the overall taste was excellent.

A funny side note: Ash and I commonly disagree over what TV show to watch and usually the only thing we can settle on watching together is the Food Network. So last night I tuned it to that channel and then Ash turns it to something he likes completely out of the blue. So I say, "What was wrong with that Indian food show?"-- his reply: "I refuse to watch a show about gourmet Indian food when I'm eating pancakes out of an aerosol can.".

Well said. I guess we can watch the History channel.

-Emily :)

1 comment:

kjl said...

Even with your recommendation, I don't think I want to try the blaster batter!!!