Wednesday, June 18, 2008

CNN's getting snarky!

Have you all seen this? On you can now order t-shirts featuring a certain headline of the day. Just click on the t-shirt icon when it appears to the right of the headline and BAM!, you can pick your own size, color, everything!

I find it interesting that this 'promotion' will possibly encourage the online news writers to come up with funny and witty headlines instead of the most informative headline, all to sell some t-shirts. Now, I'm all about ironic/funny/witty but I was under the impression CNN considered itself a pretty serious news organization. Although, after browsing all of the options, not all of the headlines are funny to me. I guess maybe I'm not getting the joke.

That said, I am getting ready to place my order for a small, black shirt that says "Victoria's Secret sued for thong injury."


-Emily :)


Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting about this! I seriously thought the EXACT same thing.

CNN is going downhill...t-shirts? T-SHIRTS?

But yes, some of them are good. I'm so conflicted!!!

Tish said...

dude i'm so glad you posted this cuz seriously that's just weird.