Sunday, June 15, 2008

Batter Blaster

One of the things I'm enjoying about being in a new state is the grocery store. They have totally different brands, more types of things, more organic things...the grandma/nerd in me thinks this is very exciting.

Behold my most recent find:
Yes, what you're looking at is PANCAKE BATTER IN AN AEROSOL CAN, the Batter Blaster. Already all mixed up and everything. I haven't tried it yet, but there's no way something so simple, packed so well could be bad. This wonder of science takes the entire pain in the ass-ness of pancakes and gives it the finger. Ash and I are in total agreement that's it's the coolest thing we've ever seen. If anyone wants some, I would totally mail it to you!

The other thing besides amazing packing technology that's rampant in Utah grocery stores is misspellings on packaging. Somehow I don't think the tortillas really want to be called 'old fashion'. This implies they are somehow out of style, not authentic or like your grandma used to make. Everything is marketed to the giant families, too. Ash saw a grocery advertisement for bulk foods like 50 lb. bags of red winter wheat and 100 lb. bags of flour. Whoa! That's a lot of bread!

My trips to the grocery store seem to be more expensive now than when we were in Kansas. I'm positive it's the prices and doesn't have anything to do with things like trays of homemade Mexican food and organic hot mango chutney.

Emily :)


Tracee said...

"Batter Blaster" frightens me...let me know how it is : )

kjl said...

I'm kind of with Tracee--that stuff looks a little scary to me! Then again, I'm not a huge pancake fan in the first place.

It's funny that you would blog about cool stuff in grocery stores, because I just mentioned the same thing when I was blogging last night! We went to a Trader Joe's in CA and I loved it. Do you have those there?