Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hyphens and Hairdos

Just saw on the news that Wal-mart is officially dropping the hyphen from their name. Part of an overall re-branding, evidently. This won't surprise some of you, but I 'researched' to hyphen or not to hyphen, to capitalize 'mart' or not, etc. when titling this blog. So, the hyphen is going away-- just in case anyone else is as big of a grammatical dork as I am.

In keeping with being someone who is absolutely correct all of the time, I should probably actually look for 'jesus jammies' at Walmart the next time I'm there. Crap, my entire blog title could be a lie. What will we do then?

Speaking of Walmart, I have to go get a new hairdryer tonight (mine mysteriously broke earlier this week), so that I'll be able to make my brand new hairdo look as stellar as my new hairdresser made it look today. I'd post a picture, but honestly after my hour and a half commute this evening, I'm not looking my best. Some other time, Internet.

-Emily :)

1 comment:

kjl said...

Hey, when are we going to see that brand new hairdo?