Thursday, November 27, 2008

This one's for the grandparents...

Here's a couple of videos I shot of Helena recently. Warning, if you're not an immediate family member, you'll probably find them way too long and maybe just watch the first 30 seconds of so. :) I forgot that with my camera I need to edit the videos before transfering them onto the computer. And, they're crooked again...I really need to work on that for next time. I suck...sorry! :)

Here's a video of Helena & Ash playing with one of her Christmas presents. A Christmas present HER DAD couldn't wait until Christmas to open. Listen closely and you can her her funny laugh.

Here's another one of her showing off some new & improved dance moves. They are oddly reminiscent of Ash dancing after several hours of drinking. Is there anything this kid didn't inherit from her Dad?

-Emily :)


Tish said...

these weren't too long at all. lol my girl and i got a HUGE kick out of watching her over and over again lol...giggle is the best. :)

you guys have a great kid luv.

kjl said...

There's nothing better than babies laughing! I'd love to see Helena rock out to some real dance music in the future!

Ash and Maggie said...

Hey that's how her Grandpa Ash (me) dances. I think it's hip! (Ha) Glad to see she got the brick set. They were one of Ash's favorite toys when he was a kid ... bet he's happy to have a set again!

Thanks for the vids! Really made our Thanksgiving.

Tracee said...

You just need to show her the arm motions and she's all set! Ash Jr. Super cute ; ) It's fun to peek at your house too! And I want some Emily in the shot next time! Ha!

Anonymous said...

I think her moves are a little bit "Stevie Wonder-ish"!! Love, Grandma Terri.