Monday, November 3, 2008

My own little billboard...

A little inspiration for the historic events that will transpire tomorrow:

(Read: I'm 72 years younger than John McCain).

Seriously, have you ever seen a better t-shirt?!?

But all politics aside, people, just go out and vote for who you believe in. And let's just all hope we know who the next president will be by Wednesday and not 2 months from now. It's not humanly possible for me to watch any more CNN than I already have been the past month or so.

-Emily :)


Anonymous said...

LOVE THE SHIRT! I should have sent her the little rhinestone "Lil Democrat" shirt I found. I'm settling in for a long and late night of election coverage - this makes me remember why I moved to DC. Plus - I'm excited Virginia may go blue this year and my vote will count this time! :)

Jenn said...

OMG, that is awesome.

Tish said...

i had to send your blog to friends lol...too hilarious