Friday, November 21, 2008

Forklift on Aisle Three....

I went grocery shopping for Thanksgiving today in an attempt to beat the crowds that will inevitably form this weekend and next week at the stores. Nothing puts me in a worse mood faster than a way too-crowded grocery store. A quirk I inherited from my mom, I think.

Utah grocery stores are known for their impressive stock of bulk food items. I imagine this is because of the abundance of larger families here, and the insistence of some LDS families to have a year's supply of food on hand in case the world comes to an end.

So in addition to the large sign denoting the 'Food Preparedness and Canning' section of the grocery store, I also saw many common pantry items available in bulk sizes. Need a feed bag size of all-purpose flour? If you can lift it, it's yours! And while you're at it, grab the 20 lb. bag of wheat, so during the long winter, you can just make your own flour! Crap, you'd probably save at least a couple of dollars doing it that way. What about a 5-gallon bucket of green beans? Why not! Does your family go through bread like it's going out of style? the 2lb. loaf instead of the regular 1lb. loaf! What a great idea!

To top off my trip, I stood in line behind a woman who was buying multiple turkeys for the holiday. Anyone want to guess how many?? FIVE. FIVE FULL-SIZED TURKEYS. I'm going to tell myself she was buying for Christmas, too, because the thought of having 100 relatives at Thanksgiving makes me want to die. Crap, Ash & I don't even have 100 relatives on both sides of our families combined. We're definitely missing out.

Emily :)


Tracee said...

LOL ; )

I think you should write a book. "Lost in Utah" or something. These observations could be very valuable!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for any "quirkiness" from your Mother!! :)
Love Ya, Mom.