Thursday, August 28, 2008

Making History

Ash & I just got done watching Barack O-Fucking-Bama's presidential nomination acceptance speech. As cheesy as it is, I've gotta say that guy makes me tear up tear up a bit. Ash goes more of the goose bump route. But I think he hit that speech out of the park. So exciting. I'm going to be majorly depressed if he loses in November, but I've got a good feeling. The last two elections were so very depressing. Momentum is on our side.

And I know this might sound politically superficial, but how cute are his kids!?! I just love how they're on the world stage right now and are totally oblivious to it - yelling into microphones to talk to their dad via satellite, picking up streamers as they walk off the stage in front of 80,000 great that they're able to keep on being real kids.

In keeping with the political spirit, here's a couple of articles and a website that are pretty funny. Feel free to discuss below! :) - All I can really say is: So freaking hilarious.

This is a link to a top ten list of both Obama & McCain's favorite songs. Hopefully this isn't too old of a story...the lists came out a couple of weeks ago. The 'youngest' song McCain picks is over 30 years old. I hope when I'm 75 I can at least think of a song in the last, oh, DECADE that I really like enough to put a nationally publicized list. And Obama picks a song that was written about him. Even if you really like it, maybe pick something else for humility's sake? I wonder what Joe Biden's list looks like.

-Emily :)


Tish said...

i love reading your blogs...yes i teared up too...don't feel cheesy. there's something surreal about this whole point in time. hang on to it girl...the world's about to change for the better :)

amanda warren said...

Sweet, wasn't it? I got teared up the minute he walked out on stage... He did such an awesome job, I don't see a comparison now. 75K in attendance at his speech... the McCain advance people better start scrambling!

Anonymous said...

I knew you would have something to say this morning about that speech! First off, watch your language!! Two things really stuck in my mind.....stop giving tax breaks to companies who ship their jobs overseas...HELLO, that should have happened years ago. And McCain votes with Bush 90% of the time, do we think the remaining 10% is going to make anything change, NO! I'll have to admit that I also teared up at times and you are right, his girls are fun to watch, especially that little one. It was great to watch them playing with Joe Biden's grandkids! Love ya, Mom.

kjl said...

I'm such a moron I forgot to watch history being made until my brother texted to remind me about half way through! I loved the second half though. John McCain can so not compete with that, and yet somehow McCain is winning in the latest polls. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY!

Heather said...

I had the exact same thought when his oldest reached down for the streamers! He actually smiled and grabbed them himself...he didn't tell her to drop them! LOVE HIM!
Love your blog too!

Tracee said...

Thank God other people watched and were inspired/excited/whatever. Jim won't watch and I had to force my mom to. I tivoed and watched the parts I missed yesterday. Dead on. I don't think he missed anything.