Sunday, August 24, 2008

Finicky...but Smart

Helena is currently getting four teeth all at once. I know, how efficient of her! Ash & I are trying to keep it together. Our normally calm, sweet, awesome kid is a bit more high maintenance these days. And that's putting it politely.

She's been systematically refusing vegetables and meat for a few weeks and has basically been subsisting on yogurt, applesauce, and a variety of crackers. Today for dinner, I mixed some peaches into a bowl with the yogurt (thinking it's more nutritious that way, right?). I start to try to feed it to her but she was HYSTERICAL about eating it. After thrashing and throwing a fit for a minute Ash says, "Put it back in the yogurt container!!" So we do...the tears automatically stop and magically she's fine. Ate the entire thing. Seriously, our 10-month old is differentiating between what comes out of a yogurt container versus a bowl...and having an opinion about it?

Next thing you know she'll be reading the ingredients on the baby food jars and refusing to eat something because it isn't completely organic.

-Emily :)


Anonymous said...

An 8 month old at school today refused to eat because she wanted another teacher to feed her. She threw a serious fit while I was trying to feed her and as soon as I handed the food and bottle over to Cathy she was fine. They are smarter than they get credit for most of the time.

Anonymous said...

You should try putting vegetables in an empty yogurt container. 8-)

Anonymous said...

Good luck - it only gets worse. Henry's teeth have been coming in back to back for like 10 teeth now. He doesn't sleep. Seriously thought about drugging him last night - he was bouncing off the walls at midnight.

The food thing is even better. I swear he lives on Goldfish, pasta & Gatorade....everything else gets dropped on the floor. I swear it's only because he likes watching me pick it up.

Good luck with the teething - maybe we'll get to meet Helena at Christmas. Going home for a visit on Sunday.

Tish said...

be proud your hubby is good at reading your little wee one lol. that's impressive and helpful! ha!