Thursday, July 10, 2008

Mohawk or Fauxhawk?

Helena wants everyone to know that her hair just does this naturally and her mother did not just create this style for her own personal enjoyment. I'll save the real torture for later on in her life.

Ash had a business dinner tonight so I'm home solo. He's going out to celebrate the big job he won with the construction company guys they're partnering with. He just sent me a text saying they were blabbing about this other job they're bidding on that Ash's company is bidding on too, and what their strategy is with this competing engineering company. I asked if they'd had too much beer and he replies: "Just found out blabber is sober. Mormon." Funny.

The bright point of my day was getting a couple of hilarious e-mails from Suzanne and David that I used to work with at KU Endowment. It really made my week. I wish I could tell the story they shared with me on here, but it probably wouldn't be the best idea. They're so funny...I miss having people around that have the same sense of humor as me. Except WAY more inappropriate. Inappropriate probably isn't even strong enough of a word. Well, I'm going to go to bed before this post turns sappy about how much I miss my old job. And just friends in general.

Stream of consciousness. Gotta love it!

-Emily :)


kjl said...

Okay, now you HAVE to tell me about the emails from David and Suzanne!!

I like Helena's hair, btw. :)

Anonymous said...

That's one cute baby. Makes my ovaries hurt. :)
