Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Only Tree - R.I.P

So today I came home from work to discover our neighbor cutting down the only tree that gave our backyard any shade.

Kind of weird, it's his only real tree, too. It was full grown and very pretty, and didn't seem to be damaged or sick in any way. I was also screaming mad that the laborers he hired to cut the tree down had made quite a mess in our front AND back yards, which I promptly told them to clean up themselves. Which they did. Kind of.

Anyway, I guess I'm glad that Ash & I hadn't started the grand landscaping plan we conceived one night after sharing a bottle of wine since it hinged on the fact that that particular tree provided a lot of shade to one part of our yard. Lesson learned: don't plan landscaping around other people's trees. Especially when your neighbor is a weird hermit who probably won't consider consulting or informing you about cutting down said trees.

And, we have a new and improved view of the Wasatch mountains from our kitchen window. And look, another freakin' trampoline!

-- Emily :)


kjl said...

Well that's sure a bummer--but the new view is awfully nice! :)

Tracee said...

if anyone can understand weird neighbors, it's me- i guess you can take advantage of some sun loving perennials now!