Monday, July 14, 2008

It's homesick time!

Random things I miss about Lawrence & Kansas besides people to hang out with (in no particular order):

1. Wheatfields. A couple of weeks ago I would have died for one of their salads. And no, I'm not pregnant again.

2. Rain. I bet it hasn't rained here in a month. I was surprised to learn Utah is the second driest state in the nation. I've already killed half the plants I planted when we moved here. I just refuse to water twice a day. I can't do it. It takes too much time and money. Oh, and when it does storm here, the weather people do 'breaking news' about 30 mph winds. It's hilarious. In Kansas, that's called Thursday.

3. My old job. Although, I hear it's still open...but someone changes the subject every time I bring up telecommuting. (David's going to kick my ass for that one. ha!)

4. Zumba. Working out with friends is the best. All this free time is making me bake more, which is probably making me a bit flabbier. I found a Zumba class I'm going to try out soon here, though. Hopefully it will be half as fun!

5. Having people to go to lunch with. Just to get out of the office to calm my blood pressure, I've been going to cafes and READING for god's sake. Although reading has been a good alternative to hideous summer TV for me lately. Heather Armstrong's book was great, and now I'm reading Naptime is the New Happy Hour. A cheesy 'parenting' book, but entertaining nonetheless. Next up: Engulfed in Flames, David Sedaris' newest offering. I've learned that I'm a big fan of the non-novel. Something that's funny and generally short with short chapters for my short attention span is nothing short of perfect.

-Emily :)


Tish said...

i love this blog and agree with you fully my dear on everything except for the whole pregnant again bit ; )

kjl said...

I really am sorry that you're homesick, and yet I can't help but laugh because you're so funny!

I totally miss Zumba winter after I'm done walking I've got to find someone to do it with me!

Anonymous said...

I'll be back in Zumba this fall, Kim! I know I'm no replacement for Emily, but we can reminisce about the three of us doing the shoulder shimmie together!
