Thursday, January 8, 2009

Helena Tidbits...and Snow

Tonight Ash is watching that National Championship Game and asked Helena if she could say football. She yelled enthusiastically...."Ball!" Then Ash says "No, FOOT-ball." Helena smartly says..."Shoes!" Tonight she was babbling so much that we felt like we needed a baby translator. She'd stop, look you right in the eyes and say some sort of something and be totally serious about it. So funny.

Helena also discovered the joys of ketchup yesterday. I put some on her plate to eat with some leftover meatloaf and she started shoving it in her mouth by the handful.

We also like hats...playing with them, wearing them around the house, getting very frustrated that we can't put them on our heads ourselves, etc.

She has also started calling her Dad "Ash" very regularly. But she leaves off the 'h'...a lot...which doesn't sound so good when you're shopping and she's yelling at him from 30 feet away.

OK, and because I haven't talked about snow in 2 posts or so, I thought I'd share a picture taken out our front door of our driveway and our street. That snow is about 4 feet high on the side of the driveway, and I think our yard has had about a foot of snow standing in it since we got back to Utah. The constant shoveling is Ash's new comprehensive workout plan. Oh, and did I mention it's snowing again tonight? Marvelous. Anybody who even mentions how 'pretty' it is will get a major cyber ass kicking.

-Emily :)


Anonymous said...

"shoes!" now that's a girl after my own heart. so adorable!

Erin and Todd said...

Can't wait to see Helena and that pretty snow next week! :)

kjl said...

Normally I would be enamored by the snow, but since it's almost 60 today and beautifully sunny, I'm going to be content with the weather I have!

I can't believe Helena's calling her dad Ash...too funny!

Tish said... Godchild calls me "God" occasionally...I love kids' ability to shorten a name in a way that turns heads ; )

great post dawling

Anonymous said...

I hope I don't get lost in all that snow. I also might die if I have to endure it longer than a few days. Gotta love the 80 degrees we had on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Now......isn't that outfit cute!! :) Love, Mema