Thursday, January 22, 2009

An Awesome Long Weekend

This past weekend we had our first non-family visitors—Aimee & Micah came in from Texas & Todd & Erin from Lawrence. After stressing over entertaining our impending guests for most of the preceding week, everything went swimmingly and was as effortless as you would expect with a group of really good friends. I think I had semi-forgotten what it was like to be with people you’ve known for a decent chunk of your life.

Despite the horrible inversion that’s been swallowing Salt Lake City for the past week (it's not pretty here right now, folks), I felt the weekend was a great mix of relaxation and fun.

Saturday morning, the girls peaced out on the boys & Helena to do some required girly shopping and have lunch and coffee. Then, on Saturday afternoon, we did the requisite visit to Temple Square, got a little creeped out by a few things there, then headed out to grub on some Mexican food at the Blue Iguana downtown. Micah won the prize for eating the spiciest food, and Helena was surprisingly well-behaved and mowed down her quesadilla with a side of French fries.

Sunday we all headed to Solitude ski resort to hit the slopes.

Erin & Aimee were very good sports considering they each had skied once before. Ash, Micah & I lost Todd for a bit when he went the exact opposite direction we had discussed at the top of the mountain. Oh, and I had a spectacular fall off of the Sunshine lift which involved me basically jumping into the air to get off of it. Funny, but also scary. I have no idea what happened, but it definitely hurt. We then headed back to the homestead for an evening of soup, game playing and fulfilling our friendly tradition of writing down funny stuff we say when we’re all together and maybe, possibly, a little inebriated. I'll look the list over for appropriate things and maybe include in a separate post. ;)

Ash & I were definitely grateful for the visit and we had a blast with everyone. It’s nice to be reminded that even though distance separates us, we can all pick up where we left off. And I love that I have friends that will enthusiastically watch a mini-marathon of Rock of Love Bus with me. Embarrassing TV watching is definitely the hallmark of good friendships.
(Me, Erin, Helena & Aimee relaxing in our jammies after our long day of skiing.)
-Emily :)


Tracee said...

Looks like you guys had an awesome time! Wish we could have been there!

kjl said...

I'm so jealous you guys got to go skiing! What fun...glad you had fun with Aimee and Erin and everyone!

Anonymous said...

I am watching The Rock of Love Bus. The give new definition to the word "skanky".


Tish said...

you hit the nail right on the darn head...that's EXACTLY why friends rock....although rock of luv...hmmm