Tuesday, May 10, 2011

10 Past 21

Last Friday I turned 31.  The day was fairly uneventful--especially compared to last year -- but Harper cooperated with me and took good naps and I got to eat some yummy Indian food and dessert.  We'll call that a good day, for sure.

Anyway, this milestone led Ash & I to reminisce about how it was the 10th anniversary of my 21st birthday.  Which at first made me feel SUPER old.  And then led to some awesome retelling of some stories that will go unmentioned here to protect the innocent. ;)  Of course, Ash remembers a tad bit better than I did since he was still 20 and didn't get as drunk as the rest of us.  He also had to stay at my apartment and watch my then 15-year-old brother.  Anyway, we'll just say it was epic.  (Did we use that word in 2001??)

But, just for fun....10 years ago in pictures:

The crew eating Japanese at Kokoro in Lawrence (YUM!)

Ash, me, Tracee, Erin & Aimee (& 15 year old Evan barely visible on the left).
Taking tequila shots with my parents and Ash at my apartment. (Side note: I have probably only had tequila shots 5 times since that night.  Bleh...)
Non college friends...Ash is the blonde one. :)

Thanks to everyone for all of your calls, e-mails, etc. on my birthday.  Makes a girl feel loved.

-Emily :)


Anonymous said...

UGH.....thanks for no stories. :) Love, Mom.

kjl said...

You pretty much look exactly the same, but look at Aimee's long hair! It took me a second to realize that was her! :)

Erin and Todd said...

I recall spilling a bright red drink (what was I drinking?) all over that yellow shirt before heading to the Yacht Club. You would think I would have changed my shirt, but if memory serves, I opted to continue rockin' the yellow shirt with red splotches.

Where was Jessica? I don't remember her being there.

Thanks for the walk down memory lane!


Tish said...

Anonymous said...

Tequila terri!! Holla!!!

Erin, I wondered the same thing about Jess. She was throwing a rager at terri's, resulting in broken car windows and trashed lawn. I remember her being in a grundle of trouble.
