Friday, January 28, 2011

She'll LOVE this when she's fifteen...

We had a very busy day yesterday -- two play date outings and then dinner with Ash near his office since he's been working 24/7 lately finishing up a project.  Tuesday, the deadline, can't come quick enough for all of us!

So, this story is going to take a turn, and if you're not into potty talk, stop reading here.  You've been warned.

Anyway, in the hustle and bustle Miss Helena had a bit of an accident which we ended up having to take care of in the bathroom at Ash's office.  It wasn't a huge deal, but it did require that she not wear underwear afterwards.  In the bathroom, she says to me..."I'll have to tell Dad that I had an accident."  I tell her that's fine, but to make sure to wait until it was just Daddy and her to tell him about it.  I know my kid all too well.  So we go to find Ash and he's talking to about eight people in his office near the lobby.  The minute we start to leave Helena YELLS to earshot of several co-workers..."DADDY! I HAD A POOPY ACCIDENT AND I'M NOT WEARING ANY UNDERWEAR!" Oh. My. God. I'm mortified.  Ash is looking at me like what the hell is she talking about.  We walk away.

So then we go out to eat and Helena is still having some tummy troubles. Nothing catastrophic, but we did visit the bathroom like eight times during our meal.

So on the way home, she has another little incident in her pants and once we're home I proceed to sit her on the toilet for a few minutes while I get Harper to sleep.  Afterwards, she tells me this:
"Mom, it's kind of like my bum is spitting up.  But my bum doesn't have a face."

Well put.  And I'm glad tummy troubles don't affect her lovely sense of humor.

- Emily :)


annie said...

I always love a good poop joke.

Lindsay said...

Well said Helena!

kjl said...

She is so hysterical...and so literal. Love it!