Monday, January 24, 2011

Drooly, Babbly and Everything in Between

Harper is 7 months old today.   We started solid foods over Christmas break, which he is digging.  I think his least favorite so far is peas, which he most likely gets from his mom.  I ate a pile of peas the other day to set a good veggie eating example for Helena...something I don't think I've ever done in my entire life.  And it didn't get Helena to actually eat the peas, so I likely won't be doing it again any time soon.

I feel like we've really turned a corner in the past few weeks.  Or maybe I just needed a vacation.  Whatever the reason, little dude is getting more fun.

Drooly!  I've got my first 2 bottom teeth coming in!

Blue eyes, hair coming in curly....

He's been making lots of new sounds.  He actually says "Nay-Nah" all the time...for Helena.  Sometimes we get a mama or dada, but not very often.  I just can't believe his first word is his sister's name...craziness.  We must yell at her too much.  Ha!  But I don't think we're just hearing things because the first few times he did it even Helena noticed it!  Video/audio to come!  :)  Helena's first words was, "UH OH!!"

Harper also LOVES our cat Dill.  Squeals whenever he comes around and is very good at pulling out fur and sometimes getting his hand in Dill's mouth (somehow!!).  Dill is so good with the kids.  No biting, hissing or anything...just removes himself from the situation and goes on about life.

Happy 7 months, little buddy!

-Emily :)


Aunt MariAnn said...

He is adorable and he looks very happy!

Tish said...

lol you make the cutest kids em!

Tracee said...

Great pics! He looks so happy. What a cute kid!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tish, you make the cutest kids! Is that hair red??? :) Love, Mema

kjl said...

I'm super impressed that he's sort of talking at 7 months!! You have a genius baby!