Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Notes from the Trenches

Well evidently it's been a busy February when I haven't posted all month!  It's also been semi-uneventful as we haven't had any more good poop stories to share.  Although Harper did poop on the carpet today.  Look!  I can come up with poop stories on demand!

So anyway, here's some February randomness...

1.  Helena's favorite smell is eggs according to a worksheet she did at school this week (they're studying the five senses).  And, she told her teacher and entire class that Harper was in the Army (when a military dad came to talk about his job).  Lord.

2. Helena started ballet class this month.  It's once a week and hilarious.  Pics and more to come!

3. We got in some good ski days last week when Ash's Aunt Barb and Tony came to visit us.  Thanks for coming, guys!!!  We love your yearly sojourns to Utah!  Tony, I'll eventually forgive you for trying to kill me on that very powdery black. :)

4. Ash is majorly bummed about not getting a project they bid on in Nevada.  I can't imagine how it feels to work so hard on a proposal and then not get to finish the job.  That said, I am glad that he won't be in a not fun part of Nevada for part of 2011 now.

5. Helena and I made cookies yesterday.  Have I mentioned that I suck at making cookies in Utah?  I'm going to blame it on the altitude vs. my Kansas church cookbooks.  Anyway, we put them in the oven and Helena wanted to watch them bake:
I told her she didn't need to sit there the WHOLE time, but she did.
6.  I think I'm getting sick.  Is it bedtime yet?

-Emily :)

1 comment:

Tish said...

love her fib. lol that was a goodie. ha!