Tuesday, January 25, 2011


We decided to venture up to Park City with our friends Pete & Ja'Naye to participate in the mayhem that is the Sundance Film Festival on Saturday night.  We didn't have our 'ish together to actually see one of the film screenings, but we had a great time just shuffling about in the 15 degree weather and eating and drinking a lot. :)
Ash, Pete, and Ja'Naye.  Blurriness due to me taking it while drinking hot cider and whiskey.
 We ate some pretty good Thai food, got kicked out of the restaurant after an hour and a half (time limit!!??) then headed to the High West Distillery to get some whiskey drinks.  We arrive and are bummed that CNN has rented out the entire facility for a private party.  Wah Wah.  So, we are relegated to drinking outside at the ice bar.  There was a bonfire that made it bearable.  I tried (weakly) to get us into the private party, to no avail.
Ice sculpture at outside bar.
We decided after that to walk around and get our blood flowing and possibly see some famous peeps.  I wanted to find Oprah....but I figured Oprah probably wasn't going to be walking around out in the cold. Ended up not seeing anyone I recognized...bummer, huh?  But Oprah was there, some people sitting across from us at one of the restaurants we were at got a pic of the back of her head.

Anyway, we braved the busy-ness, had more drinks, dessert and some late-night nachos before heading home.  Thanks for getting us out of the house P & J!  :)  Next year, we should try to actually see a movie!

-Emily :)

1 comment:

Tish said...

still jealous...cuz you were CLOSE to oprah