Thursday, September 4, 2008

Signs there are too many kids in Utah

1. Over 100 strollers parked at the zoo at any given time at any given exhibit. Ash actually saw a 5-seater!!

2. Takes phone calls to four different OB/GYN practices to get ANY appointment with ANYONE in the next two weeks. (And no, before you ask, I’m not pregnant.)

3. There is actually a very real thing I call ‘School’s Out Rush Hour’ that’s probably worse than regular rush hour.

4. It’s a common occurrence that I think I hear Helena crying in her room when I think she’s asleep, but no, it’s someone else’s kid making noise from outside our house. You know, one of the probably 30 kids that live within 50 yards of us.

5. Last night I couldn’t sleep because a gaggle of cats that roam around our neighborhood were crying just like children. I’m not even kidding. For a second I thought maybe I should call child protective services. It sounded like the very dramatic wailing of a two year old. Very weird that even the animals are picking up on the suburban roar of Utah.

6. If you think I’m exaggerating about the overabundance of fertility here, check this out. Utah is also statistically the youngest state in the nation. 30% of Utahns are under the age of 18, and I don’t think it’s because you don’t live to be very old around here.

-Emily :)

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