Monday, May 19, 2008

AKA Undergarments

So the night Ash & I went out to dinner in KC for my birthday right before we left for Utah the main topic of conversation was 'what am I going to name my blog'. Seriously, it's a lot of pressure. I was thinking about it in the middle of the night. I was worrying it wouldn't be funny enough. Or poignant enough. Or not interesting. So after half a bottle of wine, Ash blurts out something about Jesus jammies, referring to the undergarments some people of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) wear to protect them from harm. And I say, I wonder where you get these they sell them at Wal-mart? And BAM! Title born.

At the time, I thought the term 'Jesus jammies' was an Ash-ism. As in a word, phrase Ashford made up. It happens all the time, believe me. Sometimes he says some slang something to me and I'm like "I have no idea what that means." Anyway, I just googled 'Jesus jammies' and it's a common term, not made up. Good to know!

We've already heard some fun Mormon stories since we've been out here and since I know most people are perplexed and interested in the cultural and religious intricacies of Utah, I'll plan on sharing them as they come along here. One thing I noticed that I do CONSTANTLY is try to tell if someone is Mormon. Not that it really matters, I'm sure that 90% of them are very nice, normal people. But I'm serious, every time I see someone here I think, "I wonder if they're LDS...". I've got to stop that...although I think people who have lived here a long time do it too. About the second question we got from our neighbors was about our religion. Thankfully, Ash's tongue piercing and horribly foul language speaks for itself most of the time. But it's a little awkward for someone to ask such a personal question of someone they just met. Odd. I'm going to start asking people what political party they identify with immediately following the religious question just to make things more interesting.

Anyway, I'm still waiting on our first visit from the missionaries and our first Mormon casserole. Welcome to the neighborhood!

-Emily :)


Anonymous said...

Apparently the more people the little guys with the white shirts, black ties & backpacks recruit the close they get the heaven. We get them all the time - I've told my one mormom friend (who does wear the jesus jammies) that if she doesn't call her people off them I'm sickin' Steve's Salvation Army cult on her. Can't wait to hear the stories - I'm sure I've got some to compare....they're national tabernacle is out here and I've got a church a few blocks away!

Tish said...

i love the political question as a "tongue stick out" kinda come back. let me know how that goes!