Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ward Ball

So one of my coworkers is on an intra-ward basketball team-- they play once a week. As she's telling me about her latest game last week, I casually say "Man, if I wasn't pregnant I would totally be a sub on your team." Then, hilarity ensued as follows:

Coworker: "Oh, I totally know you would. That would be fun. But...you couldn't cuss...at all."
(By the way it's probably fair to say that I'm one of the most potty mouthed people in this person's life. And she can't tell me to stop because I'm her boss. Actually, the fact that she so blatantly DOESN'T curse just makes me curse around her more. I can't help it.)
Me: "Really? Like, no cussing at all, huh?"
Coworker: "No, they'll call a foul on you."
Me: "What? A foul just for cussing? And that's it?"
Coworker: "Yes."
Me: "Interesting. I probably wouldn't last long."
Coworker: "Right, that's why I mentioned it. You can only get three fouls in a game and then you have to sit out and you can't play in a game again until you have a talk with the bishop."
Me: "Three CUSSING fouls or three fouls total of any nature?"
Coworker: "Three fouls total for whatever."
Me: (Laughing) "That's hilarious."
Coworker: "I know."
Me: "So what does the bishop talk to you about?"
Coworker: No response
Me: "OK, I'm going to go now. I don't understand why there has to be so many complicated rules involved with intramural basketball games."

The next day I regaled her with my stories of high school basketball past-- making sure to highlight that a.) I used to be really pretty decent and b.) that I was in no way a no-cussing, no fouls type of player. I literally fouled out of every game but two my sophomore year.

So, I guess it's safe to say that I won't be invited to participate in any Mormon basketball leagues now or post pregnancy.

-Emily :)


Erin and Todd said...

Did you tell her about your attempts to make a certain Trinity basketball player cry? Be sure to point out that Trinity is a parochial school. :)


EmilyG said...

SUCCESSFUL attempt, Erin. :)
No, I left that one out...maybe another time.

kaela said...

hilarious. it's like you live on the moon or something.

Leah B said...

Great story. It makes me want to swear just reading it. Do these same rules apply at BYU? At this point, I don't think I can even shower without swearing.

kjl said...

Awesome story...just awesome. :)

Unknown said...

That is a %(@*&%$ awesome story.

Kristine said...

hahaha I'm dying! they never seem to surprise me...keep those stories coming :)