Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Safer Than the Sidewalk

So today I'm driving home from work on a fairly busy street in downtown Salt Lake and I see a skateboarder riding along in the middle of the road - taking up an entire lane of traffic. Then I remember that earlier today I witnessed a scooter (not an eletric one, either) doing the same thing. So, I think to myself, this is weird...does Utah have some sort of law that skateboards and non-motorized scooters can share the road like bicycles can? You know, because Utah's so strict with other laws, they probably have lax traffic laws to compensate. So, I pass the skateboarder on the left, and then call my Utah-native/work friend Gina to ask if she knows if it's legal to ride a skateboard in the middle of the road.

So, I'm on the phone with Gina asking her about this (she says it's illegal, by the way) and all the sudden I look back and skateboarder dude is signaling to change lanes. He's in the right lane, I'm in the left beside the turn lane, stopped at the light.

All of the sudden, BAM!, skateboarder dude HITS MY CAR and falls into the street. He's dazed, skateboard broken in half. I hang up the phone and roll down my window and ask him if he's alright. He says he's really sorry and that he's fine. I say, "You know, you probably shouldn't ride your skateboard in the street like that."

His response: "You know, it's actually safer than riding on the sidewalk."

Ummmm....right. You just slammed into the back of my car on your skateboard. You're the epitomy of safety, dude. You're lucky you're not dead right now...especially since you weren't wearing a helmet.

And I say, "You need to either walk or get a car, buddy."

-Emily :)


Tish said...

ha! that's great! gotta love irony

kjl said...

Okay seriously, that story is so awesome it doesn't even seem true!!

Melissa said...

this is hilarious!