Saturday, April 18, 2009

Adventures in Yoga

So for several months I’ve been doing yoga at this hippy-dippy studio in downtown Salt Lake. Not only has this been a good workout for me, but also an unmatchable stress reliever.

Every once in awhile I try to get Ash to do yoga with me at home when I haven’t had time to make it to the studio classes. We all know he could use a little stress relief as well. Last night I convinced him to workout with me, promising him I wouldn’t coach him like I normally try to (he calls it ‘criticizing’; I call it ‘helping’).

The yoga session starts out with me asking him not to EAT DORITOS while we’re doing yoga. I’m not kidding.

Then it progresses into me kindly asking him to keep the bodily function noises to a minimum. While I’m glad the yoga is getting some ‘toxins’ out of him, the constant burping and farting is very distracting to my ‘practice.’

At one point during the 30 minute workout, I look back and Ash is just watching me, not doing anything. Fine, you’re tired and extremely inflexible. But at least TRY! Don’t just ogle my ass while I’m in these compromising positions.

THEN…as if there could be anything else…the uncontrollable giggling starts about what the instructor is saying and the music that is playing.

OK, I’m done. You’ve made your point. We’re not doing yoga together ever again.

-Emily :)


Tracee said...

Yay yoga! My new class rocks. I am so with you about its benefits. And Jim would absolutely just ogle me if I did it in front of him ; )

Tish said...


your hub is hilarious...sigh. my stomach would constantly hurt from laughing if i lived in the same house as ya'll.

Anonymous said...

Tish........I'm not sure the laughing would compensate for the Ashford "smell"!!
Emily's Mom....

Monica said...

You need to bring Ash to the studio with you. (But don't put your mat anywhere near his!) Cory has been with me a few times - when I asked him to come with me last Friday he politely declined. Not sure why... I'm doing lots of practice teaching these days so that means I'm teaching Cory and Michayla at home too. Separately they're ok, but together it's a total gong show. One's gassy or predicting gas, and the other is tickling/poking/pushing.