Friday, February 17, 2012

Media Funnies

This is the kind of stuff that makes front page news in Utah:

Hilarious.  And I really can't think of another area of the country where these types of things would actually be 'news'.  It was a multi-day story, even.

And in other mormon media, behold a (what I deem bizarre) billboard not too far from my house:

Sorry for the graininess (I took it with my phone from my car)-- the billboard reads: "CSI: PROVO Decaffeinated DNA." Apparently a play now showing nearby.

After a quick google search, turns out this show is a parody of life in Utah.  Whew.  I thought it was for real.  Would that surprise anyone?!?

Ahhh, Utah.  You're funny.

-Emily :)

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