Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Translation Toddler

The language of toddler is often very complex.  Sometimes I take for granted that everyone can translate Helena as well as we can.  And believe me, there are a lot of opportunities to deal with her quirks.  I thought it would be fun to list some things she says that might take a few guesses to figure out the real meaning.

White Ham = Turkey
The last day = yesterday
Smores = Snores
Bazangne = Lasagne
Chicken Muggets
Hoomat (pron. HOO-MAHT) = Helmet
Nola Bar = Granola Bar
Ninoculars = Binoculars
Rove = Robe
MM's = M & M's...leaves out the 'and'.

There's no way I could type up a list of behavioral quirks...it would be way too long for this blog.  ;)  I just put Helena down for a nap and she asked me to fill her 3 cups in her bed up with "fresh water."  Seriously?!?  It's a good thing she's so cute and funny most of the time.

-Emily :)


Tish said...

lol fresh water, eh? i love that kid!

Anonymous said...

I have some of these "Helenaisms" written down for her birthday letter! :) Love, Mema