Friday, September 24, 2010

Of He Who Wears the Pants in the Family

So those of you who have known Ash and I for any long period of time know about our endless argument about how he often wears the same pair of pants for weeks on end without washing them.  He'll mow the lawn in a pair of jeans and then wear them to work for the next four days.  He refuses to have more than 1 pair of jeans in the rotation at one time.  I believe his personal record for consecutive days wearing the same pair of jeans is 27.  It's not normal.  I recall one time in college after we'd just gotten married when we were discussing this 'habit' of his amongst a room full of his guy friends.  Ash adamantly defended his practice saying "everyone does it, right???" to which his friend Phil replied, "Dude, that's disgusting."  Major blow.

I've quit fighting with him about it for the most part and it has gotten better, slightly, since he has to dress up more for work now.  But....this week he sends me this article in the Wall Street Journal from someone who works at Levi's (and is really too into his jeans) entitled "The Jeans Care Secret: Rarely Wash Them."  Evidently 'rarely' means every 6 months for Christ's sake.  Yuck.  I personally get too much spit up, poop, food, etc. on me almost every day for spot cleaning to do the trick.  Sorry.  But Ash has taken this as the gospel, and our plight continues...

-Emily :)


Tish said...

lol! i'm totally with ash. i rarely wash my jeans...if i sweat profusely then i will but until they smell like dirt they're not getting a wash...grosses out my guy, too but his laundry bill isn't as cheap as mine ;)

Anonymous said...

I blame free will ... once he had it .. he digressed in laundry focus. 27 days ...whew!
"standing on their own" was what you once told me of his jean and socks condition when we met you at KU. We were so happy you were there.... AT least the guy in the Wall Street article soaks them in the tub once and awhile.
I'd make him stand in the rain .. he likes that. Big Ash ;-)>