Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Visit from Papa Larry

My parents are awesome. Let me just say that up front. My dad, with minimal prodding, came out pre-baby to help us with Helena when the big event occurred. I was very thankful he was here, as it took some stress off knowing she was with him. I did have a backup plan, but Helena tends to be a little high maintenance, and I feel better about her bossing my dad around than one of my well-meaning friends! And now my mom is here staying with us for 2+ weeks. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage without her. Laundry definitely won't get done as quickly, and there's probably a lot of pizza ordering in our future!

The day I went into labor, we went to the zoo with my dad. Walking around wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be, and in hindsight, was probably a good idea to speed things along.

We also went fishing at Snowbird Resort in the mountains when my dad was here. Helena caught her first fish on her Dora pole with some pink sparkly catfish bait. I think Ash was more excited than she was. :) They have a special kids pond there that is stocked to the max with trout, so it's pretty hard NOT to catch a fish. Fun times for the kids for sure! Helena and Ash were the rock stars of the pond, catching 3 fish before we called it good.

-Emily :)


Unknown said...

Helena doesn't act like she wants to get too close to the fish. Very cute! Aunt MariAnn

Tish said...

i agree with mariann...she's definitely pondering that fish from a safe distance.