Sunday, May 2, 2010

Aloha from Snowy Utah!

Sorry for the hiatus from the blog, folks. I just wrapped up our spring fund drive at work on the 23rd, so my free time is a little more abundant now than it has been the past month or so. I'll tell ya, working 60 hours a week as an 8 month pregnant lady is no walk in the park.

Other than working we are pretty boring around here, really. Just doing some nesting and nagging Ash to get the basement finished up so when people start visiting after the baby comes they actually have a comfortable place to sleep where they don't have to stare at piles of 10 year old computer equipment, hunting gear or Ash's office stuff from three jobs ago. We're getting there... It's a shame we had to move to Utah so quickly, because we never went through everything we should have before that big event. And we're paying for it now. :)

It's also been snowing a lot here lately. Like, I think it's snowed FOUR times this week. I've quit looking out the window because it's just depressing. If it snows on my birthday next week, I'm going to reschedule it!

I'm almost done with the nursery, so pics of that will be coming soon along with another much-requested belly pic. I know you can't wait!

-Emily :)


Tish said...

welcome back lady

Leah B said...

I'm so glad that I hace had no requests for a belly pic. People would be very disappointed, and scared... very, very scary is my belly. Can't wait to see pics of the nursery!