Friday, October 9, 2009

You can buy 50 pounds of anything!

One of the more evident regional differences in Utah in terms of grocery stores is the prevalence and constant presence of emergency food preparation products. I'm not sure if these products exist anywhere else in the country in your normal Walmart or Kroger store. Evidently it is a tenet of the Mormon faith to always be prepared...beyond your normal boy scout preparedness...and keep a year's supply of food in your home at all times. I personally do not have the funds, storage space, or religious conviction to undertake this task, but it sure does make grocery ads semi-entertaining.

Yep, a 25 lb. bucket of rolled oats. Seems practical...healthy...not too gross.
Then...a $60, 40 lb. bucket of kidney beans. I think I'd rather starve than eat those after they've been in my basement for a few years. But, I guess if you have 10+ children, they probably would go pretty fast.

Dried Chicken Teriyaki with Inventive and disgusting at the same time. And probably not worth $22. Folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg, trust me.
Ash & I figure should the Apocalypse come upon us while we're here, we're in good company. All the Mormons would HAVE to share their bounty of stored food with us, right? That would be the Christian thing to do. Either that or we'll have plenty of stockpiles steal from.
-Emily :)