Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Helena's Days of Summer

Helena's really starting to get to be a fun age. I can already tell the terrible two's will be a constant negotiation, but man, I have to say she keeps getting cuter. :)

Here's Helena utilizing the new backyard. She enjoys emptying the pool more than actually swimming in it.

Miss Attitude showing off her penchant for Hershey's kisses and her most recent accomplishment of two ponytails utilizing some actual 'back of the head' hair.

Eating chocolate cake at dinner this past weekend.

It's hard to take a pic of Helena without food on her face since the only time she really sits still is when she's eating and strapped down. Here she's exhibiting part of the full cup of refried beans she ate for dinner. Yes, my kid won't eat any fruit but applesauce and bananas, but refried beans are always a go!
As I was uploading the pic above, this one below was right next to it in my computer files and I realized that we took this almost a year ago today. Definitely less hair, teeth and a little paler than last summer. I can't believe she's going to be two in just a couple of months.
-Emily :)
P.S. -- Thanks for snapping a couple of these, Aunt Mariann!


Tish said...

i have to agree that she definitely has the cute factor. diggin the pigtails, diggin the refried beans on face and DEFINITELY diggin her need to clean (the pool)

some day i shall meet this little delight.

Tracee said...

The second pic is SO Emily and the 4th is SO Ashford! I wish we could see her more often!

kjl said...

I can't believe she's going to be 2 already...doesn't seem possible. Thanks for sharing pictures so we can see her growing up at a distance!

Lindsay said...

Once the terrible 2's start...they just don't stop. One friend reminded me that it's really the "terrible toddlers" and I see his point. Kelli informed me that I have the worst of the four so's hoping Cody causes Heath more problems!

Zig said...

She is so CUTE!