Saturday, April 9, 2011

Radio Silent Week

My apologies for the lack of posts lately (you know, to my all of 10 readers!)...we were without internet for over a week...but it's up now...thank goodness!  Ash & I think Harper pushed so many buttons on our modem that it was confused/no longer working. (Note to self, move modem to unreachable place).

In the midst of radio silence, Harper is now into EVERYTHING (trash cans, grown-up shoes, toilets, anything on a shelf he can reach, etc.) and can now scale an entire flight of stairs (with a spotter, of course).  Oh, and it's been snowing for three days straight.  Helena made up a song at bedtime tonight that went something like this:

"It's Spring, but it's's been a long time, Winter...why won't Winter won't go away...come back Spring..."  She is very confused about the weather lately.  She thinks we've been lying to her about the seasons.  Ha!

Well, more to come in the coming days...I've got a big ski day to prepare for tomorrow-- probably the last one of the season.

-Emily :)

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