Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Helena's School Christmas Program

Hot off the presses, here's the video from Helena's preschool Christmas program this evening. 

A couple of comments:
Ya'll will notice Bunny got to attend.  We will do a lot of things to avoid bolting and/or crying.  And Helena did neither, thankfully.  I am very proud of her.  And Bunny.

Helena's class is made up of 3 & 4 year olds and she happens to be standing beside the two tallest and oldest boys in her class.  She looks like a total munchkin up there!!!

You'll also notice, again, what a horrendous videographer I am.  Yes, I know I majored in BROADCAST JOURNALISM.  But, it's been eight years and I was also trying to pacify a 6 month old.  Oh, and I was trying to shoot through a very small window between two people's heads.  So there.  I should probably dig out the tripod Ash gave me with said video camera and actually use it sometime.

Warning, there are four songs.  It's about six minutes long... :)  But it's cute.  I promise. 

Merry Christmas everyone!  :)  This might be the last blog before the holiday.  Lots to do!

-Emily :)


Leah B said...

It sounds like Harper was trying to sing along! Cute post Emily

Anonymous said...

Evidently Helena did not like the snowman song! HA! She looks so little up there, but she has some moves going on! Funny that she heard Harper & looked over, he may have some singing in his future! Too cute! Love, Mema.

Tish said...

i almost coughed up a lung when the kid in the background (i assume that was harper) started screaming and then the clapping started. i swear i thought the kid was getting beat at first lol

very cute em...she's growing up so fast...