Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Harper playing with his piano.  Which he would totally chew on if he could lift it.
Harper is 5 1/2 months old now.  Wow, time flies.  I guess that's what happens when you're not really sleeping a lot.  Anyway, he is generally an amicable baby when he sleeps well during the day and his eczema isn't flaring up.  I think he may have inherited his father's itchiness and weird stomach.  Time will tell. :)  He also LOVES Helena.  When she's talking to him and he's 'talking' back, his voice gets really excited and actually kind of goes up an octave.  It's hilarious.  It's like he has a 'phone voice' for Helena. Ha!
I'm also a very messy cereal eater.  I love to grab the spoon and smear everything all over my face.
Other 'milestones'-- kind of sitting up, no teeth yet but lots of chewing and red cheeks, just slept 12 hours straight last night, so we'll see if we can make that a habit very soon!

We're very excited to see everyone at Christmas!

-Emily :)


Tish said...

he's like the dueling carl or whatever that little iphone app is lol

Leah B said...

YAY! Galbreath time for Christmas! We will have to get the babies together!

Andrea said...

Poor little eczema baby. Dylan looked just like that with those rosy cheeks in the winter. If you haven't tried it, the Aveeno oatmeal baths really helped Dylan's skin out. I'd love to say he's grown out of it, but that would be a lie. I still give lots of money to Aveeno to keep the itchies at bay. Be safe traveling for Christmas! I'll wish good weather for you.

kaela said...

you seriously have the cutest babies! SO adorable.

Lindsay said...

He is adorable - Henry's face does the same thing every time we fly to KS. Hope we get to see you guys at Christmas and I can't believe other people know about talking carl on iphone...he drives me crazy but Henry loves him. Steve accidentally left is password on his computer and Henry bought like 7 talking buddies for the phone.