Monday, June 25, 2012

Sing Songy

Since I started working so early in the morning, Ash has had the job of waking Harper up.  Poor Harper, he likes to wake up on his own...he'll even say "Mom, I still sleeping!" or "Mom, I want sleep more!" just like a teenager in the mornings.  :)

Anyway, Ash sings various songs to him to wake him up.  (Fun Ash fact:  He's very 'singy' in the morning.  And he's very good at making up songs).  His old preschool songs are usually the go-to ones.  Harper knows about five songs and has started getting better at singing recently.  (Currently he can sing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Up on the Housetop (yes, the Christmas one), and Itsy Bitsy Spider).  Here's he & Helena singing the "Good Morning to You" song at dinner time.

Lyrics: Good morning to you!  Good morning to you!  We're all in our places with sun shining faces....good morning to you!

I love Harper's inflection on the "you!".  He sounds like he's trying to increase his range. Ha!  Helena did a great job keeping him going, too!

Another song Ash sings that cracks me up is this one:

We live in Kansas.  Our home is Kansas.
It's the state in the west where the people are the best.
We live in Kansas.  Our home is Kansas. 
I'm a Jayhawker through and through.

I don't remember this from my Kansas preschool / elementary school days.  Does anyone else?  Just curious....  Ash went to montessori school in Lawrence before he moved to Detroit when he was 5, so I think the Jayhawk-ish songs were maybe more popular there?!? :)

Small sidenote:  Helena finished up her 'school year' and we got her 'portfolio' from her teacher.  In it was a list of her favorite this and that.  In the map unit ,she drew a picture and put that her favorite country is.....Kansas.

-Emily :)


Erin and Todd said...

My mom used to sing that Good Morning song to me in middle/high school and it would make me homicidal. I'm with you, Harper... getting up early is for the birds. Night owls unite!

kjl said...

Love the video! I think you're right about the KS song--I don't remember it from childhood but I know it well from my four years teaching at Raintree! :)