Thursday, June 21, 2012

Helena's Tap Recital

Helena had a tap dance recital right before we left on vacation.  Here's a snippet of her dance.

She did so awesome and we were so proud of her.  She did tell Ash not to come because she said he makes her nervous.  His feelings were hurt, but he obliged. :)

They did the dance twice and when the teacher asked them if they wanted to do it a second time Helena yelled 'NO!' the loudest.  Needless to say, we're still battling some shyness from time to time.  Which is also why you can tell the video is shot from the 2nd (back) row...less chance of her bolting & crying if I'm not RIGHT THERE.

Next up this summer...swimming lessons.  Then back to dance in the fall most likely. :)  Pretty sure we're not going to torture ourselves with tee ball this fall again. Ha!

-Emily :)

1 comment:

Tish said...

LOL Cutie!

Love that song by the way. I did that in the 4th grade talent show. Good choice for budding stars ;)