Monday, July 30, 2012

Helena -- 4 & 3/4

Thought I'd post a little update on what Helena's up to.

I'm currently listening to her making Harper play school -- with fake nap time included! -- and that's one of the coolest things about having two kids.  Mine generally play so well together.  Helena is nice to Harper (yesterday, she even shared her pretzels with him) and they kind of freak out a little bit if we ever take them places separately.  It's cute.  She's a great big sister.  She even helped Harper pee on the potty for the first time yesterday!
Tolerating Harper in the reading tunnel at the library.
She is also very into drawing lately.  She definitely draws better than I did at this age (or possibly now, I totally suck at drawing).  Here is this weekend's rendition of the opening ceremonies of the Olympics:
No rendition of a parachuting queen, but good otherwise. :)

She also loves riding her bike with training wheels.  Her and Ash go on 'adventure rides' in the evenings sometimes.  One evening last week they went three miles!!

Helena just switched classrooms / teachers at school in the beginning of June and is doing really well in her new class.  We had debated starting Kindergarten early with her, but decided against it for a lot of reasons.  She still loves school and is very focused for the most part on her 'works'.  One day this week she built a tower out of some beaded cubes and her teacher said she sat there for like 10 minutes just looking at it.  Her teacher said to her "Looks like you're waiting on something, Helena.", and she said , "Yeah, I'm waiting for my mom to come so I can show her what I did." (Her teacher then called me down to look at her 'masterpiece'.)  So funny.  She is sounding out short words now and is very good at writing her letters -- probably from all of the incessant drawing!  And she just went on her first official field trip last week -- to Discovery Gateway in downtown Salt Lake.  Mom went along as a volunteer! :)
Building at Discovery Gateway in SLC.
Helena is also in swimming lessons right now.  It's going a lot better than last summer.  We have a few sessions left so hopefully I can get a video at some point.
Helena and Ash at the lake in June.
She has also recently found out about Disneyland (more specifically Cars Land) and is insisting we go ASAP.  We have told her that Disneyland is a lot of money, which has come in handy when she wants something i.e. "Well, that's coming out of the Disneyland fund....oh, never mind." ;)

At one of her friends' princess parties with "Rapunzel."
 Speaking of princesses, Helena as become a little more girly the past few months.  We went weeks only wearing dresses.  She insists her headband matches her outfit exactly. And the more glittery the better.  We own a pair of gold glitter dress shoes that she has worn a hole into.  But I still make her wear her adventure sandals with her dresses just to irritate her aunt Jess. :)

I can't believe in the fall we'll have a 5 year old.  Holy. Cow.

-Emily :)


Tish said...

Unknown said...

Love the update! Miss Helena is growing so fast and she is so smart! What are you and Jo feeding your kids? haha!

Anonymous said...

Helena looks so happy as a princess!
And I love the Disneyland fund excuse - that's a good one. Give them both a hug for me...

Anonymous said...

Cute Princess pic! Wish I'd win the lottery so we could go to Disneyworld! :) Mema