Friday, July 1, 2011

Jayhawk in our Basement

We've got a new roomie this summer.  And jeez, he's already halfway though his stay and I've yet to blog about it.  I suck!  This summer is just kicking my ass and I've had no time to write.  Lots of visitors, swimming lessons, park dates, etc.  :)  Good times.
Anyway, my cousin Jonathan is living with us this summer and interning with Ashford.  He just finished up his first year at KU and is planning on getting a degree in Civil Engineering.  We're having fun with him and I appreciate someone else around the house to wrangle the kiddos while I cook dinner.   I hope he's having fun, too...he's definitely working hard and learning a lot, I think.
I'm also teaching him how to cook this far we've conquered chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and salmon.  This weekend we're moving onto cherry pie and enchiladas.  :)  Hopefully these cooking skills will impress his future roomates and girlfriends! 

The kids love him...especially Harper.  And Helena would boss him around all day if he let her.

Intern and pack mule for the summer.

Harper likes to cuddle with him. :)  So cute.

- Emily :)

1 comment:

Aunt MariAnn said...

WOW! Maybe I should come stay with you and you could teach me to cook! :) Especially, the pie! Glad you all are having a good time. Can't wait to see you when you come home!