Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Where the Green Grass Grows...

We made a trip to Burrton/Hutchinson for a week over Labor Day.  I hadn't been home in 9 months...the longest span of my whole life.  Weird to think about it like that.  Fortunately, I had seen most of my immediate family members in that span between trips to Colorado and people coming out to Utah to see Harper.  :)

Here's a numerical synopsis of our trip:

6 : The number of things Helena 'rode' on -- boat, tube, motorcycle, four wheeler, golf cart, tractor.  She's braver than I give her credit for.
2: The number of times it took me to get up on water skis.  I went around the lake twice and then I died.
7:  The number of pies my grandma made while I was home.
17: The number of pieces of pie I consumed. 
4: The number of drinks I had in one evening at the lake. By the way, margarita popsicles are really yummy.
43: The number of friends and family we saw while in Kansas for 6 days.  That's intense.  Ash's grandma Claudene and brother Alex even came down to spend some time with us! 
5: The number of times Harper pooped and/or puked all over someone other than myself.  Also, the number of outfits he 'went through' the day before we flew home.  He's a messy one.
3: The number of people who kindly helped me by holding Harper while I folded up a stroller, entertaining Helena, etc. on the flights home in the airport when I was flying by myself with both kids. I'm pretty sure I am still tired from that day, but we survived and the kids were both really good.

Anyway, it was good to be home and breathe some good old country air!

Kane, Helena & Ellie -- probably one of the best pictures I've ever gotten of all three of them together.  There were bribes involved...

-Emily :)


Tish said...

lol it looks like ellie is looking at said bribe actually lol

Lindsay said...

That Kane is a bruiser. He and Henry became fast friends when we were the in July. Probably a good thing we don't live nearby!

kjl said...

So jealous of those 43 people who got to see you guys! Glad you had fun though!

Anonymous said...

I have adorable grandkids!! HA! :) Mema

MariAnn said...

I am very glad I was one of the 43 who got to see you. Just wish we could have more time and see you more often.