Thursday, July 22, 2010

Survival Mode

Harper is 4 weeks old today. As I sit down to write this, I'm not sure if 4 weeks counts as a month or if I should wait to say he's a month old until the 24th. These are the annoying things that go through my sleep deprived brain.

We're doing pretty good around here...I, of course, have been sleep deprived long enough that it's starting to wear on me. Let's hope I'm about halfway through the really bad part. Harper's sleeping well for his age, though. Usually has one 4 hour stint and one 3 hour stint through the night. Now, if I can just get Helena to quit waking up OR sleep past 6:15 am, we'll be set!

Anyway, here are Harper's official one month pics. :)

Man, those cheeks seem to have their own gravitational pull. (Shout out to Tracee for making the adorable retro owl quilt!)

Life is rough for this little buddy.

Harper actually fell asleep on top of the dishwasher while it was running. Disclaimer: you really probably shouldn't lay your newborn on the kitchen counter. This maneuver is for EXPERIENCED parents, like ourselves, only. Disclaimer #2: The other caretaker in the house did this, not me. I'm sure it was an emergency situation.

-Emily :)


Leah B said...

You'll get thru it Emily. I have a quilt with the same fabrics! Sending you happy sleepy thoughts!

Hartwoman3 said...

That is an adorable little owl quilt! I hope you get some sleep soon, Em! Miss you guys!