Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bacon Brawl

This is a video I shot on my iphone a couple of weekends ago right after Helena and Ash had been literally having a fight over bacon at breakfast. The last piece fell on the floor, and they both lunged to grab it for themselves. Helena won. I'm a sausage gal, myself, so I don't fully relate. :) Highlights include Helena rubbing in her bacon 'win' by chanting "I eat it...uh huh..."

Emily :)


Tish said...

oh my gosh she's gotten so big! it's kind of freaky lol..."can you cut the top?!" my mouth almost fell off my face.

i know...these things shouldn't affect me so, but they do!

Lindsay said...

Henry was watching with me and is now screaming for bacon....even though we're 30 minutes from bedtime.